Assembler factories consist of a combination of only cutters and stackers and are capable of producing one or more complex shapes. Examples are full windmills, 1/4 + 3/4 shapes, double rate diagonals, and a factory for producing every basic shape from a shape that is made from quarters of all the shapes.
A windmill shape is this:
Windmills do not occur naturally in the game, and have to be made. Half windmills and quarter windmills can be found. To make windmills you have to use cutters and stackers. shapes are the only half windmills that spawn naturally.
1-Windmill Piece[]
Remember you need a total of 4 input belts to produce a full output belt
11x4 (1 in, 0.125 out)
12 x 2 (1 in, 0.0625 out)
2-Windmill Piece[]
You need 2 input belts to produce a full bet of output
8x2 (2 in, 0.125 out)
5x4 (2 in, 0.125 out)
4x4 (1 in, 0.125 out)
6x3 (1 in, 0.125 out)
example of usage:
Level 11[]
8x2 (1 in, 0.125 out)
7x4 (2 in, 0.125 out)
example of usage:
Complex Shapes[]
Blueprint maker[]
A blueprint shape is this:
The shapes are used when pasting a copy. Bottom layer shape can be found in the world naturally or made.
Using Natural Shapes[]
6x9 Tile
33x11 (Full design)
10x28 (Full Design)
Making Shapes[]
You can stack it next to each other,
but belts and tunels on left are temporary, so skip those, while stacking (shown here for better visibility)
Logo Maker[]
A logo shape is this:
Warning!! This is the ultimate spoiler! Do not proceed if you like to have fun playing the game by yourself!
Tiling 8 of these modules produces a full belt of output. For inputs this takes full belts of red, green, blue, , and (the upper half can be anything as that is discarded).
Logo Maker Designed And Made By AstroTheRandom011. Inspired By The 16x4 Maker. Uses No Quad Cuts.
Logo Shape Maker By AstroTheRandom. He Tried but most likely used a wee bit too much space.
Usage Of Logo Maker:
Rocket Shape Maker[]
A rocket shape is this:
It is very useful for upgrades and unlocking freeplay, but it is very hard to make. Here is some help.
22x12 with paint mixer
Purple Shape and White Star Maker[]
This shape is this:
These shapes are used for upgrading in later levels. One alternative is to use a blueprint maker but with premade purple and premade bottom shape.
Tiling 8 of these modules produces a full belt of output. For inputs this takes full belts of red (2x), green, blue (2x), , and (the empty corner can be anything as that quadrant is discarded).
Tiling 8 of these modules produces a full belt of output. For inputs this takes a half belt of green, and full belts of red, blue, , and (the empty corner can be anything as that quadrant is discarded).
Submitted by JustANobody2107
Martian Logo (Level 18)[]
The martian face to reach Level 18 (9 x 11)
Smart factories[]
Factories that uses filters to perform selective actions.
Universal Mixer
Shape selector
2 layer stacker
Stacks into 2 layers when normally a stacker would stack them into 1 layer
Such as logo shape
The top input is considered the top layer
The bottom input is considered the bottom layer
The middle input is junk pieces that end up being trashed.
Top output is "top" layer
Bottom output is "bottom" layer.
This example outputs left and right halves of target shape. If one half of output shape is 2 layers and the other half is 1 layer then the half that is 1 layer will be output at the top output if it belongs in the upper layer and will be output at the lower output if it belongs to the lower layer. The 2 layer half will use the remaining output belt.
If shapes can be stacked into 2 layers normally then the 2 input shapes are ouput unchanged.
The actual final stack of 2 layers not shown.
In a everything machine this outputs up to 2 of the final 4 pieces that can be stacked sequentially top to bottom for final 4 layer shape.
Warning my design is not fully tested. Use at own risk.
Wires Update allows use of filters which is generally superior to using overflow gate logic.
Storage units prioritize the top output lane. If the top output belt becomes blocked/backed up then it will start using the lower belt.
This can be exploited in useful ways.
Here is a painter than will output uncolored shapes if no pigment is given.
If no pigment is given then the painter shape input belt backs up. This causes the overflow gate to output unpainted shapes using the other path bypassing the printer.
One problem with overflow gates is that they stop working as desired if your belts backup for reasons other than what you intend. To avoid this you can add these to prevent belts from backing up.
Here is an example of a universal colour mixer
Other Designs[]
Rotate one shape[]
If you have upgraded one and not the other this will help divide it up and avoid a speed loss. This is not necessary when rotator and belt are at same speed.
If you want full shapes made from two left and two right halves:
Combined factory example[]
Example of multiple-designs combined to make a shape.
Everything Machines[]
Share your everything machine here with the template:
Overlap size length x width
Creator of machine
Length & width and image of physical
Length & width and image of wires
State what items go in which belts
Overlap size in square units divided by how many belts outputted divided by how many belts of input turned into a decimal
Can be found with
Helpful vocab:
overlap size: pretend everything is on one layer. If you find the size of the machine on that imaginary layer, you will get an overlap size
physical/wires: physical has white (or black with standalone) background and you can place belt, balancer, etc. In wires the background is green and you can place wires, wires crossings, etc.
If you don't know how to format table, find size, or find rates, just post pics in the comments