
The Stacker (also known as the Combiner) combines two inputted shapes by either fusing them if they can be placed next to each other, or stacking them on top of each other, right input on left, otherwise. It is unlocked after completing level 10, which requires 800 cyan stars.

Up to 4 layers can be stacked on top of each other. Stacking on any additional layers will cause them to be deleted.

The stacker is the only way to make multi-layered shapes, which are required past level 11 and in freeplay. It also allows for the usage of partial shapes obtained from cutting away part of a shape resource, by fusing them with other partial shapes to create complete ones.


When performing the stacking operation, the right-input shape is simply placed in the lowest position it can occupy without phasing through the left-input shape, the same as the intuitive definition of stacking. Layers beyond the 4th are discarded.


  • The stacker is necessary to create shapes with 3 quarters or with opposite corners only, and before unlocking the Quad Painter, the stacker is also the only way to create multicolor shapes.
  • This is one of the two buildings that is required for all levels directly after unlocking it as this is required for level 11+, the other being the Painter for level 7+.